Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
If you don't know anything about personal finance, you need to get started. Buy this book or borrow this book (happy to send you mine!) because I think every young adult needs to read this.
It started in the beginning of 2018, I was continuously probing my friends and mentors about how to grow my money, how to manage my money, and how to build wealth. I kid you not, within a 3-week span, about 8 people recommended me this book.
A big thank you to them because I have to say, they were right- I needed this.
For starters, it's very consumable and an excellent foundation to begin building knowledge about personal finance. The version I bought on Amazon had short study sessions after each chapter that broke down the lessons- I mean, you can't ask for anything easier. Carry a highlighter or notepad with you, you'll want to take some notes.
I've been financially illiterate for most of my life so far. So from me to you, I think 2018 will be the year I get my personal financial shit together. Thanks for the kick off, Kiyosaki.
“Too many people are too focused on money and not their greatest wealth, their education. Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone.”